Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday - Final Destination

I received news that the audio and stuffs screwed up, in a hurry, I went down at 9 to hereafter just to found out that its closed. Had to wait till 10 when Bernard opens the lab for everyone. I turned out the computer, prepare for SEED mode, but well, everything is okay and it seems like Jean did everything the day before (thanks to her we have time for Audio, Render, Burning and some minor Effects)

kY Productions, a fictional company made by me in Poly 1, hope i get to use it till year 3 hah!~

That concludes the end of everything. Paperworks are handed in Hard copy :)

Current Feelings after P2

Unable to settle down

Editing - Still Crawling

Interim 2 over, everything is in total chaos because we haven't had 90% done YET. Lucky enough, Jean managed to speed thru everything and get things done except the audio which Ubaidah is going to do on Tuesday.

Tuesday arrived, my house is in total chaos, hamsters flee from cage, machines broke down and stuffs. I can't make it to school, instead, I had to settle everything down in my house, I blame to on the running cat across the street.

Editing - Halfway there~

Day 4 to 5 for editing, alot of things happened, mostly bad, but some good. Audio productions, Paper work and a huge chuck of embarrassment to face. Hell, I won't want to act abnormal in another film AGAIN (or film that I'm in.)

Some footages are unusable mainly because of actor's fault, equipments in shots or audio problem. But thanks to SD / HD conversion, I managed to change everything so they looks better.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Editing Starts!

Editing starts on Tuesday (yeah today's Sunday, I don't have much free time to do this blog thingy), had the main editing, but its left to the main editor, Jean, to do it. I'm just there as a support role like I always wanted to =) So, with this supportive role, I have to gather some of the paperwork stuffs. Finding Audio is no problem, I have a few websites thanks to VidPro1.

During Editing period, all I have to say is I love to disturb Benjamin and see his stressful face haha, nothing beats that angry face of his. Editing isn't that well-flow but everything's in control :) SPEEDDDD RACERR~~ I'M SPEEDD RACERRRRRRR (sry, just wanna type that to describe my scenario now)

PS. I hope blogging doesn't take a huge chuck of my points, it will obviously give me a bad fall :/

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Production starts, because I'm awesome(ly lazy), I decided to post up most of the production pictures in this post with captions!

First day of production is ok, We have alot of things to do and I had to act like a perv to Hafiz's bike (sorry Hafiz lol)

Hafiz' Bike with all the crews on top (no me of course!)

I missed the second day because I killed my brain with fire.

Third day is like half dead (at least for me) since female.. toilet? wtf? lol. Yup, I'm so shy I don't dare to enter it.

First half to Third day, suffer-er (is there such a word?) this time round is Ubaidah :D

Just here to make post longer

Theres more Production on Sunday and Monday, Sorry to group that I can't make it on Sunday :/ Gonna work doubl-y hard (such word existed? yeah, only in JM dictionary) for Post-Production :)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 4

Day 4's the interim 1 which we had to present our idea and story to Yoke Ee. Idea-wise, they aren't that strong but we have revised it for better exaggeration. Things are going well. Now wheres the stuffs for recee tomorrow..

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 3

The real pre-prod starts here, I had to rush out the storyboard but i guess its fine since Yoke Ee doesn't really want a complete storyboard like Julian rather than a rock solid idea. The idea got approved and I guess all I can say is, everything is going well.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 2

Day two, we had discussion on the ideas and execution. I just found out that my ideas are very "Channel 8" (hell, I didn't even watch any of those shows), yup, so we chose Ubaidah's idea of Old man and Death, which is about how human don't really meant what they says.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 1

Day One is to form up groups and gather ideas from the Aesop Fables for the project.

The grouping I made is good without anyone that I have worked with before except for Ubaidah.

Good enough, I can get something fresh instead of doing things head-on now. I've come up with tons of ideas even before the lesson starts thanks to Peng, now all I have to do is to wait for Day 2 and discuss the ideas up with my group mates.